Hey, babe. Feeling a little nervous about your session? Maybe even a little "oh my gosh! I have no idea what I'm doing!" ?

Well relax! You're in great hands. To make sure you have the best experience possible, I've put together this mental prep guide to help you through the 6 mental stages from your inquiry to your big reveal!

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1.) The Initial Inquiry

Excitement: It's normal to feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. Reach out with any questions or concerns, and I'll be happy to assist.

Here are some activities you can do to help with this step:

Prepare a Mood Board: Start collecting images that inspire you. This could include poses, outfits, makeup styles, or even just vibes that you love. Sharing this with me will help us create a session that's uniquely tailored to you.

Practice Self-Affirmations: Before your shoot, take a few moments each day to stand in front of the mirror and speak kind words to yourself. Affirmations like, "I am confident," "I am beautiful," and "I am worthy" can boost your confidence and help ease any nerves.

Click here to see the Self Affirmation thread in the Facebook Group!

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2.) The Booking Process

Decision Time: As you finalize your booking, take a moment to reaffirm your decision. Trust that you've chosen a professional team dedicated to capturing your unique beauty!

Try these exercises to help with this step:

Review Testimonials: Take a look at the testimonials from other clients who have had a similar experience. Seeing their positive feedback and beautiful results can reinforce your confidence in your decision and get you excited for your own shoot.

Visualize the Experience: Spend a few moments each day visualizing the shoot. Imagine the setting, the poses, and how you'll feel during the session. This mental rehearsal can help solidify your decision and build anticipation for the amazing experience ahead.

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3.) Prepping for Your Session

Nervousness: Feeling nervous is completely natural. We'll provide a detailed preparation guide, ensuring you feel confident and ready for your session.

Practice these for this step:

Breathe and Relax: Practice some deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. This can help reduce anxiety and center your thoughts before the session.

Communicate Your Concerns: If there's anything specific you're worried about, don't hesitate to reach out and share your concerns. Knowing that we're here to listen and address any of your worries can provide peace of mind and help you feel more at ease.

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4.) Your Boudie Day

Anxiety: On the day of, it's common to feel a bit anxious. I'm here to make you comfortable, and I will guide you through each step of the process.

Here are some things you can do to help with anxiety:

Create a Soothing Playlist: Put together a playlist of your favorite calming songs to listen to before and during your session. Music can be a powerful tool to help soothe nerves and create a relaxing atmosphere.

Arrive Early: Give yourself extra time to arrive at the location. This way, you can settle in, get acquainted with the space, and have a moment to relax before we start. Feeling rushed can add to anxiety, so taking your time can help you feel more composed.

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5.) Image Reveal & Ordering Appointment

Anticipation: As you await your reveal, remember that I'm just as excited to share the stunning images with you. Trust the process; your beauty will shine through!

Here are some things that I've found can really help:

Engage in a Favorite Hobby: Distract yourself by engaging in a favorite hobby or activity. Whether it's reading, cooking, or a workout, staying busy can help the time pass more quickly and keep your mind off the wait. If you're experiencing a full session with me, then you're going to be enjoying an amazing meal or 60-minute massage to help with the distraction! ;)

Reflect on the Experience: Take some time to journal about your boudoir session. Write down how you felt, what you enjoyed, and any memorable moments. This reflection can enhance your anticipation and help you savor the experience.

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6.) Post-Reveal Reflection

Empowerment: Reflect on the journey and embrace the empowerment that comes with celebrating your unique self. Share your positive experience with others, helping them discover the beauty of boudoir photography.

Try these 2 things to really help reflect on this journey:

Create a Keepsake: Consider creating a personalized keepsake from your photos, such as an album or framed print. Every time you look at it, you'll be reminded of the empowering experience and the confidence it brought you.

Join the FB Community: Connect with online or local communities of individuals who have experienced boudoir photography. Sharing your journey and hearing others' stories can reinforce the sense of empowerment and inspire others to celebrate their unique beauty.

Join the VIP Facebook Group here!

Join the Past Client's Facebook Group here!

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Beyond the Session

Confidence: Carry the newfound confidence into your daily life. Remember, the beauty captured in your photos is a reflection of your authentic self.

Don't let this confidence fade away! Keep it up with these activities:

Set Daily Intentions: Start each day by setting positive intentions that reinforce your confidence. Remind yourself of the strength and beauty captured in your photos and let that mindset guide your actions throughout the day.

Dress for Success: Wear outfits that make you feel empowered and confident, even on regular days. The way you dress can have a significant impact on your mood and self-assurance, helping you carry that boudoir confidence into your everyday life.

Beyond the Session

Confidence: Carry the newfound confidence into your daily life. Remember, the beauty captured in your photos is a reflection of your authentic self.

Don't let this confidence fade away! Keep it up with these activities:

Set Daily Intentions: Start each day by setting positive intentions that reinforce your confidence. Remind yourself of the strength and beauty captured in your photos and let that mindset guide your actions throughout the day.

Dress for Success: Wear outfits that make you feel empowered and confident, even on regular days. The way you dress can have a significant impact on your mood and self-assurance, helping you carry that boudoir confidence into your everyday life.